Dare 2 Tutu, For a Cause!

You don’t need to be diagnosed with cancer for it to affect you, as it has impacted many lives. Having family, friends, and coworkers that have all known someone diagnosed, the reality is often difficult to face. Sometimes we don’t know how to help. We don’t know what to say.
We at the Auto & Tire Doctor embrace the chance to be a part of the Tutu Project. Together, we can make a difference, even if it's small. Help us to make an impact and raise awareness, by being a part of the #Dare2Tutu movement.
This year on Saturday October 28, 2017, "Make a Difference Day", the Nation’s largest day in giving back, The Auto Doctor (in conjunction with NAPA Auto parts) broke the World Record for Largest Tutu. Yes, you read that correctly! And, YES, WE DID IT! WORLD'S LARGEST TUTU! The masterpiece was a constructed 267 foot Tutu, officially measured by Truckee Police department.
The NAPA Semi arrived around 10:00 AM on Saturday, 10/28/2017. The tutu was laid around the semi and we suddenly realized the tutu was actually larger than the truck. Snap on tools was here and so we added their truck and an Auto and Tire Doctor truck into the lineup. It took quite a long time to measure and they gave 4 measurements with different types of tools to average the official length. We then hung the tutu on the vehicles for the town to enjoy.

During the event, we were able to raise over $5000! We would like to recognize the local community of friends, family, and neighbors that came out to participate in our raffle, which amassed roughly $2000 toward the cause. NAPA Auto Parts donated an additional $2250! We would also like to thank the city of Ely, NV, for stepping up and donating $650, after hearing about the event.

Why did we do this?
Since deciding to participate in The Tutu Project, the past few years, we have seen a rise in awareness, with people stopping to ask “Why the tutu?” creating conversation about breast cancer. We have also seen the impact this campaign has had on the community. The smiles, the stories, the sadness and appreciation that people share has brought us closer to our customers, and our community closer together. Not only have the ongoing donations helped those in need of financial support during their journey, but the gratitude, the love and the joy that we all get in knowing a difference is being made, is second to none.
The heart of The Tutu Project has always been about creating a moment of joy and laughter — because that’s what patients and caretakers need to get through life's toughest moments. This year, thanks to the outpouring support of the community and our partners, Truckee turned PINK. The love and support this town created for The Tutu Project was incredible!
Follow The Auto and Tire Doctor on Facebook to see all of the pictures taken this year. Bob, of The Carey Foundation, takes self-portraits as “Ballerina Bob”. These images have become a global representation of how to bring a bit of levity and joy to a tough situation. Now Truckee has become a part of his journey.
Why Embrace the Dare?
When you become a part of our “Tutu Takeover”, you will help raise awareness of the needs people living with breast cancer have, while bringing smiles and laughter to their day. Are you ready for a tutu photo shoot? Do you know of a company that should join us? Reach out to us at 530 587-2178, ask for Jodi. She can set up a time to come by with her 30+ tutus and turn your business "PINK". We don’t need to wait for October… Breast cancer isn’t just a month. Call today to set up your photo shoot. It only takes 15 minutes.
View all photos of the event HERE