Signs You Need New Tires
How are your tires doing?
The worst time to figure out you need new tires is when you’re on the side of the road digging for your spare. Here are some helpful tips to make sure you’re tires are healthy.
1. The Penny Test
Turn a penny upside down so that Mr. Lincoln’s head is pointing towards the tire. Now place the penny between the tread on the tire. If you can still see Lincoln’s head, it’s time for some new tires.
2. Cracks in the Sidewall
This is a simple check that you should do on your vehicle fairly regularly. Simply look around the sidewalls all 4 tires for cracks, cuts, or scrapes. While some imperfections here may be fine, others could be a sign that the tire is old or damaged. This simple check could prevent a slow leak or a frightening blow-out.
3. Bulges or Blisters
A sure sign that a tire needs to be replaced is a visible bulge anywhere along the outside of it. Bulges or blisters can show up on the tread or on the sidewall and are usually easy to spot during a visual assessment. If there are any present, it is important to change the tire immediately.
4. Excess Vibration
While all cars have some sort of vibration, a sudden increase can usually be attributed to significant tire ware. If you begin to notice your vehicle vibrating more than normal, take a look at your tires. Examine the sidewalls, tread, and try the penny test to see if it may be time for a new set.