Posted on 12/5/2021
It's always easier to leave a few things in your vehicle so you'll have them on hand. But in cold weather, while it's a good idea to carry items such as a phone charger, blanket and shovel, there are some things you shouldn't store in your vehicle. Medicines and drugs. Cold temperatures can affect the chemical makeup of some drugs. Avoid leaving them in a vehicle, especially those in a liquid form like insulin, eye drops and cough syrup. Latex paint. They are water based, and when they freeze, they get lumpy and lousy. Your paint job will not be what you had in mind. Cellphones and computers. Most of these have lithium ion batteries. If they get colder than freezing (0 degrees C, 32 degrees F), if you try to charge them, you'll more than likely ruin the batteries. Bottled water, soda, wine or beer. OK, here's the scoop. All of these can freeze and split the container they're in. Yes, soda, wine and beer will take a lowe ... read more
Posted on 11/28/2021
When accidents occur in TRUCKEE, CA, the victims' emergency contacts are extremely important. Too often, those involved aren't able to provide rescuers with phone numbers and medical information.When CA police and rescue workers must sift through pockets, glove compartments, wallets, purses and cell phone directories, they waste precious time.In the unfortunate event that you are involved in an accident, you have people in the TRUCKEE, CA, area who you'll want to be contacted to arrange help, give consent to treatment and inform TRUCKEE paramedics of medical conditions, allergies or medications.A brilliantly simple solution is now spreading through TRUCKEE and around the globe: ICE. ICE – standing for In Case of Emergency – is a way to identify emergency contacts in your cell phone directory.Simply put 'ICE' before a contact name in your cell phone, like 'ICE – Dad,' 'ICE – Nancy.' or 'ICE – Doc ... read more
Posted on 11/21/2021
One thing all TRUCKEE drivers can do to extend the life of their battery is to keep it clean. A greasy, dirty battery holds in damaging heat. Same goes for removing corrosion from the terminals. The Auto & Tire Doctor Inc can help maintain your battery.Allowing your battery to be deeply depleted – like from using your headlights when the engine is off – is very harmful to your battery. Most automotive batteries can only take that about 10 times before they are ruined.Also, making sure you have a full charge every month or so extends battery life. Either an extended drive at freeway speeds around the TRUCKEE are or using a battery charger will preserve your battery’s ability to hold a full charge.Give us a call.The Auto & Tire Doctor Inc12000 PIONEER TRLTRUCKEE, CA 961615305872178
Posted on 11/14/2021
Most TRUCKEE auto owners want to save on gas and seek our advice on improving economy. At The Auto & Tire Doctor Inc, we are frequently asked, however, if it is really worth the extra effort. Just how much money can TRUCKEE drivers actually save?In today's The Auto & Tire Doctor Inc article, we're focusing on the things you can do to improve your vehicle’s economydriving around CA. We'll tell you the potential savings per gallon of gas at $3.50, and we'll show a chart that also shows the savings at $3.00 and $4.00. DOLLARS PER GALLON $3.00 / $3.50 / $4.00 TUNE UP 4%.12.14.16 The next item is replacing a clogged engine air filter. Your engine needs enough air to burn fuel efficiently for the best mileage. A clean air filter means you get plenty of air. The fact that the air's clean protects your engine. That can save you up to 10 percent or 35 cents a gallon. DOLLARS PER GALLON ... read more
Posted on 11/7/2021
No one in TRUCKEE, CA, likes to spend a chunk of change at the gas pump. Rising CA fuel prices, however, have spurred TRUCKEE drivers to focus on how to improve their fuel economy. North Americans literally drive billions of miles/kilometers less each month during times of high fuel prices. But we still need to drive (we love our vehicles, after all!), so it makes sense to try and increase our fuel economy however we can.Let's look at a real life example. This man has one of those really big SUVs. Lots of kids and horses to haul around, you know. His family was planning a four day camping trip. Here's what he did to cut his fuel costs:First, he installed a new, high flow engine air filter. Then he had his service center change his oil, flush his cooling system and service his front and rear differentials along with the transfer case. He also had a fuel system cleaning, replaced his PCV valve and breather element. He also made sure his tires were up to ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2021
Sometimes the movie is better than the book, sometimes it's the other way around. But when it comes to your vehicle, the best book of all is the owner's manual. The plot is simple: Owner wants long life and dependable performance from the vehicle, manual has the way to achieve that long life and dependable performance. And yet, it's amazing that some people will own a vehicle for years and never even crack this book. They'll only read it when they absolutely have to, for things like finding out how to change the clock. Ok, so you're probably not going to rush right over to your glove box and start reading the owner's manual cover to cover. We know that. But just think of what you can get out of it. Consider this. Those who wrote or helped write this book include the engineers who designed it and the people who tested and refined it. They know more about your vehicle than anyone, period. They know how long a part is likely to last and what ... read more
Posted on 10/24/2021
Which item is most often stolen from vehicles in TRUCKEE?Is it: Stereo Wheels Air Bag DVD System Well, if you said stereo – you used to be right. But airbags have now surpassed stereos as the biggest target for theft in CA – approximately 50,000 a year are stolen across the country. New airbags cost about $1,000, but go for $50 to $200 on the black market in CA.Stolen airbags are making their way back into cars that have been in an accident. Of course, the danger to the consumer of having a stolen airbag installed is that you can never be sure what may have previously affected them and if they will work right when you need them. Contact us at The Auto & Tire Doctor Inc for more information about where to get your airbags checked or replaced.Find us at 12000 PIONEER TRL, TRUCKEE, CA 96161You can reach us by phone at: 5305872178 There are reports that 1 in 25 airbag replacements are stolen ... read more
Posted on 10/17/2021
Since driving requirements and lifestyles differ among TRUCKEE drivers, your vehicle manufacturer publishes two auto maintenance schedules: the regular schedule and the severe service schedule. Which schedule should TRUCKEE drivers follow? Here are some questions to ask yourself:Are most of your trips less than four miles/six kilometers around TRUCKEE?Are most of your trips less than 10 miles/16 kilometers in below-zero CA temps?Are most of your trips off-highway in CA?Do you drive often in dusty TRUCKEE areas?Do you regularly tow a trailer or carry heavy loads around TRUCKEE?Do you drive in very hot or very cold CA weather?Think about your typical week. Do you live by your nearest TRUCKEE on-ramp and enjoy a non-stop commute? Or, do you drive the neighborhood car pool in stop-and-go traffic on TRUCKEE surface streets? Let's suppose your owner's manual says the severe service oil change recommendation is 3,000 miles/5,000 kilometers and the standard recommend ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2021
Recalls are pretty serious for TRUCKEE residents and don't happen all that often. But sometimes cars have less serious problems that TRUCKEE residents still might want to know about. For these less serious cases, the vehicle manufacturer issues what is known as a Technical Service Bulletin – or TSB. These bulletins tell TRUCKEE service centers (including The Auto & Tire Doctor Inc) how to repair a problem that occurs frequently or is especially difficult.Your TRUCKEE service center receives updated information through subscription plans, which are sometimes available in consumer versions too.Whatever your source, pay attention to TRUCKEE vehicle recalls to keep you and your passengers safe. No matter how well they're made, vehicles are bound to have problems with their design or manufacturing. Think of all the moving parts. When the government thinks a problem is really serious, they require the vehicle manufacturer to issue recall notices to TRUCK ... read more
Posted on 10/3/2021
You might remember a hit TV sitcom that was set in a bar, a place where "everybody knows your name." The idea, of course, is people feel more comfortable where they aren't just another customer among many; they're special because their relationship goes back a few years. That comfortable relationship can extend to professionals you deal with, too. Think of your accountant, your dentist, your doctor. Most people try to stick with the same person or firm in those businesses. They have grown to know their work over the years and they've learned to trust their professionalism, the quality of their work and their track record. Ideally, you should have that same relationship with your automotive service facility, like your friends here at The Auto & Tire Doctor Inc. You may have tried several facilities over the years until you found one that did good work at a reasonable price. The longer your relationship with your service facility, the bet ... read more